Here you can find news from us, such as customer cases and technical articles.
In this fall, Bulten began an extraordinary collaboration with the Swedish furniture manufacturer VERK.
The Älvsborg Bridge is not only an iconic part of Gothenburg's skyline but also a vital link for thousands of people every day. To improve the bridge's safety and accessibility, the Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) launched a pilot project this year in collaboration with Bulten-owned TensionCam. The project focused on a critical component of the bridge's stability – the bolt connections in the bridge's suspension cables that support the roadway.
Bulten's newly launched Supplier Award Program recognizes the outstanding achievements of our suppliers. This year’s awards were presented at a ceremony in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Bulten’s subsdiary TensionCam, which provides solutions that enable comanies to measure and monitor clamp loads in critical screw joints, using connected sensor technology, is now carrying out pilot projects with the Swedish Transport Administration.