Sustainable supply chain 

Connected through the entire supply chain 

The world is connected, and so are we. That’s why we evaluate the sustainability of the entire supply chain, from raw material use to human rights and working conditions. 

We’re evaluating suppliers on sustainability 

All our suppliers must live up to the expectations expressed in our supplier code. Therefore, all new suppliers undergo careful evaluation via a self-assessment questionnaire and an on-site audit. We also conduct regular assessments of our existing suppliers. To ensure sustainability and quality, we have dedicated employees who work with quality assurance and supplier development 

We say no to conflict minerals 

Conflict minerals can cause war, provide funding for conflicts and undermine peace efforts. At Bulten, we are committed to making sure our products are conflict-free. We comply with rules and regulations for conflict minerals, including the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and the Consumer Protection Act. We also request that our business partners and suppliers adopt appropriate and reliable measures to ensure that minerals used in manufacturing their products do not directly or indirectly serve as means to finance or support armed groups that commit serious human rights violations. All our partners must exercise due diligence concerning the origin and chain of custody of conflict minerals. 

We say no to human rights violations 

We are committed to human rights, and we firmly reject all forms of forced labor and trafficking. That’s why we have a policy called the Statement Against Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, detailing how we prevent these crimes from occurring in our value chain and in connection to our business activities. 

Statement modern slavery