Ethical governance
We hold ourselves to our promises
As a global organization, we know how important it is to have a solid structure in place to meet legal requirements and stick to our agreements. By focusing on ethical governance, we ensure transparency, accountability, and integrity in everything we do.
Compliance and policies
Alongside our codes of conduct for Bulten and our suppliers, we have an anti-corruption policy guiding our interactions with customers and suppliers. Additionally, we have a policy to prevent anti-competitive activities.
Read more about code of conduct and policiesIntegrity and being part of an ethical culture
Building an ethical culture is a vital part of our sustainability journey. We ensure that all employees and Board members receive training to align with our ethical standards. This ongoing training helps us maintain our commitment to doing the right thing.
We support those who report
All employees and Board members are responsible for reporting conflicts of interest and breaches of our code of conduct through internal communication channels or anonymously via our whistleblower function.
To Bultens whistleblowing center