Corporate Governance

Bulten AB (publ) is a Swedish public limited company with its registered office in Göteborg, Sweden. Bulten (previously FinnvedenBulten) has been listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm since 20 May 2011. The Company conforms with the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm’s regulatory framework for issuers and applies the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the ”Code”). The Code is available on the website of the Swedish Corporate Governance Board at

The Code applies to all Swedish companies with shares listed on a regulated market in Sweden and shall be fully applied at the first AGM held during the year following market listing. Bulten started adapting to the Code in connection with its 2011 AGM and has since then implemented it. The Company need not obey all rules in the Code but has options for selecting alternative solutions which it may deem to better suit to its circumstances provided that any noncompliance and alternative solutions are described and the reasons explained in the corporate governance report.

Corporate Governance Reports

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